A  boy flattening disposed plastic bottles with the oversized boots that he is wearing. Despite the tedious and tiresome labour, he still smiles when having his photograph taken. Batam, 2012   小男孩穿著成人長靴,踏在回收的膠樽上,這是幫補家計的工作,雖然不輕鬆、有趣,難得男孩對著鏡頭笑。
 A teenage boy cleaning a returned 18L water jug before refilling it. Water supply and sanitation in Indonesia is characterized by poor levels of access and service quality. Consequently, many people have to buy distilled bottled water for safe water
 The little boy enjoying the thrill of coasting down the slope on his chainless bike. Batam, 2012  小男孩專心地享受單車下坡的樂趣。
 They figured a way to wash clothes without touching them.  Batam, 2012  他們示範怎樣不經「人手」地洗衣。
 An Indonesian man taking care of his  gamecock , a type of rooster with physical and behavioural traits suitable for cockfighting.  Batam, 2012  主人和他的公雞;這不是普通啼叫、清晨吵醒你的公雞,而是攻擊性強的「鬥雞」。
 The kitchen of an Indonesian housewife. Batam, 2012  婦人和她的廚房。
 The boy on the right is completely focused on the target as he prepares to shoot the marble with his skillful fingers. Batam, 2012  小男孩全神貫注,準備射出他手上的彈珠。
 A boy petting a monkey while another is checking that its chain is secured around the tree. Monkeys are common pets in Indonesia. Batam, 2012  印尼孩子們的寵物是猴子,他們小心照顧自己的寶貝。
 The smiling little toothless girl. Batam, 2010  雖然掉了門牙,也不介意咧嘴大笑。
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