Getting stared by dozens of elementary students during a school visit in an impoverished community.  Jalpaiguri 2010  探望印度偏遠的區域,引來學生們的好奇,個個目不轉睛看著你。
 An Indian-style convenience store.  Lucknow, 2011  充滿印度特色的街頭小店。
 A child porter carrying a heavy load on an adult bicycle.  Lucknow, 2011  小小年紀,卻用成人單車運重物,誰會擔心他應付不來?
 Sisters on their way to school.  Varanasi, 2011  女孩子騎自行車上學,多好!
 Thatching a new roof using traditional methods passed down from generation to generation.  Lucknow, 2011  用傳統方法、物料編製房頂。
 A little girl tending her family's huge buffalo.  Varanasi, 2011  小女孩照料家中的大水牛。
 A woman from the untouchable caste weaves leaves together to shape snack plates.  It is indeed an art, but it is not prized much.  Varanasi, 2011   用乾葉編成即用即棄的碟子,是一門手藝,卻不賣錢。
 A family from the untouchable caste gather around burning ashes. They are keeping themselves warm on a chilly February morning.  Varanasi, 2011  二月寒冷的清早,一家大大小小只能堆在燒完了的灰上取暖。
 She is only 14 years old. The marriage that her parents have arranged for her will take place on the following month.  Varanasi, 2011  她只是十四歲,但父母已安排她下個月結婚。
 With nothing but his shorts, he walks out the front door just after waking up from sleep.  Varanasi, 2011   醒過來,推門就往外走,不用梳洗,不用穿衣,不用上學。
 Preparing boats for tourists and devotees along the Ganges River.  Varanasi, 2011   船家修理、裝飾船隻,等待遊客和朝聖者,這是恆河的重要生意。
 The burden of a rickshaw driver and the smiles of his passengers.  Varanasi, 2011  三輪車伕一臉辛苦,乘客們卻抱著他們的手信,微笑上路。
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